ISAK does not endorse any material from any company, ISAK only indicates the anthropometry equipment characteristics in the Manual. ISAK does not make any judgement about the quality of any software.
Latest news
Kinanthropometry equipment and software suppliers
New issue of the ISAK NEWSLETTER
Dear ISAK member,
We include the latest edition of the ISAK Newsletter (
We hope that the information contained in this report will interest you.
Dr. Francisco Esparza-Ros. ISAK President
Dr. Raquel Vaquero Cristóbal. ISAK General-Secretary
ISAK present in 85 countries
Today, ISAK has more than 35,000 current members in 85 different countries around the world. You can find below a map showing the countries where ISAK members are active:
ICSSPE January 2025 Newsletter
In case you are interested, here is the link to the ICSSPE Newsletter January 2025:
New issue International Journal of Kinanthropometry
We are pleased to inform you that the International Journal of Kinanthropometry has just published the Volume 4, Issue 2 (August 2024) and is now open for scientific papers. You can find all the information on the website:
Recommendations for measurement with COVID-19
Here there is a link with recommendations about health precautions when conducting anthropometric measures during COVID-19 situation::
[Information for instructors] Tutorial management ISAK online system
It has uploaded to the ISAK system a video with a tutorial about management of the ISAK online system for instructors, which includes the main challenges in the management of the ISAK courses and how to resolve them. To see it, go to your ISAK profile, go to "Teaching area", go to "Videos" and search "Tutorial about management of the ISAK online system for instructors".